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The Mission Field


HOPE relies on supporters who ardently champion the right to life, but did you know HOPE is also a mission field? When a client walks through our doors carrying an unborn child, she often carries much more.

An unplanned pregnancy often stems from a host of spiritual wounds—from poverty, physical or sexual abuse, prior abortions, or other loss. She might come from a fatherless home and have a marred view of intimacy. She might be entrenched in dangerous practices, like paganism or wiccan. She might be falling for the lie that an abortion could remove the weight of shame.

Walking into one of our pregnancy resource centers might be the only time she encounters a believer in a deeply personal way. When permitted, HOPE client consultants pray with her and share the Good News—that Jesus has overcome the brokenness of the world, and extends grace to those who put their hope in Him! Because of your faithful support, 139 clients committed their life to Christ in 2019! Your support has forever changed 139 families from now into eternity. Only Jesus can remove the yoke of slavery, but isn’t it awe-inspiring when He uses us in ways we could never imagine?

“Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’”  -Matthew 11:28

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