Julia’s beautiful face was raw with emotion when she sat down in on the consulting room couch. Her HOPE consultant felt led to take her time so that the 39-year-old could feel at ease. Julia had already had two older daughters; how could she tell them she was pregnant? How could she break the news to her parents, aunts, and uncles with whom she was so close? She had separated from the girls’ father two years ago due to substance abuse. But how could she parent alone? At her age? Julia was considering abortion.
The tears kept coming. After her a heart to heart, her consultant asked if she could pray with Julia. She prayed for a safe pregnancy, for Julia’s family to be supportive—and above all—that Julia would lean on Christ to give her strength.
By the end of the emotional visit, Julia still felt undecided but was looking forward to the ultrasound.
If she had one reason, now she has two: Julia is having TWINS! Seeing their beating hearts made her remember the blessing of life.
When we think of the lives that are spared from abortion, we often picture newborn photos. But beyond those precious baby photos, I can’t help but picture Christmas cards on countless refrigerator doors, summer camps, high school graduation caps, and those twins marrying someday with children of their own.
Your support of HOPE gives women like Julia a space to see the bigger picture. You show her the “burden” is actually a tremendous gift. Or in this case, GIFTS! Thanks for the incredible role you have already played in their lives.