We wanted to share a powerful testimony that showcases the life-changing impact of your support.
Recently, a client walked through our doors carrying anger about her pregnancy. She referred to her baby as "that thing," vocalizing her feelings of despair and annoyance. Believing she was around 13 weeks along, she had researched abortion facilities and planned to proceed with an abortion.
During her ultrasound, however, we discovered her baby measured over 24 weeks gestation. Confronted with this news, she realized that abortion was no longer a logistical option. (It’s worth noting that in neighboring New Mexico, abortion is legal until birth.) Though shaken and uncertain, she listened as her consultant, with a gentle and understanding tone, spoke about the gift of adoption. Equipped with adoption resources and encouragement, she agreed to consider making an OB appointment.
Then, something remarkable happened. She accepted ultrasound pictures of her baby—a small but significant shift. Soon after, we received a request for her ultrasound records from an OB office in another city. When we followed up, she shared incredible news: she had reached out to an adoption agency and was now under the care of an OB. Her entire demeanor had changed—hope replaced despair, and she began to see her baby as a blessing for another family.
A few weeks later, the Killeen office received a phone call from the adoption agency confirming that she had chosen a family to adopt her precious little girl.
This beautiful transformation reminds us of the sacred mission to turn anger into adoration and confusion to clarity. Your love meets a client at her most vulnerable moments that changes the stories for all involved—the baby, the birth mom, and adoptive family!